Welcome to the ITLA website, specifically created for the Abbey Estate project.
We are the Independent Tenants and Leaseholder Advisors, appointed to work with residents as Flagship’s plans start to take shape. Note: we will work with all tenures on the estate – Samphire tenants (part of the Flagship Group), leaseholders who own flats in the blocks, freeholders who own their houses but who are affected by the proposals and private tenants of owners who will also be affected.
We have been appointed by CADAT, the Diss, Thetford & District Citizens, who are based for some of the week in the Abbey Neighbourhood Centre. Our work will be monitored and we will be paid by CADAT – not Flagship. This means that we can act and be seen to act independently from Flagship. We will have a working relationship with Flagship but we are not answerable to them.