Our Role
Advice and support for all residents
We will be available for all ad hoc queries from residents, delivering clear, authoritative, factual advice through a variety of well-publicised channels
Proactively, through outreach, drop in surgeries etc., we’ll provide support and gather intelligence from residents
We will be a source of independent information on e.g. Home Loss, compensation, rehousing, leaseholder issues
If we can’t answer a question, we will probably know someone who can, so we will signpost to or seek advice from technical, legal, finance teams to answer specific queries
Where and if appropriate, we will lobby Flagship to improve the deal for residents
We want to make sure all Flagship and other stakeholder communications are balanced, accessible and intelligible.
Trusted Link
We aim to become a trusted source of support and information for residents, explaining e.g. the constraints or reasoning behind decisions made by Flagship.
We will also work to become trusted by Flagship and other organisation involved in order to accurately reflect residents’ views back to them.
Setting up and servicing representative structures
If there is support for it, we would like to establish and maintain a Residents Steering Group, initially to represent the residents affected by phase 1 of the proposals
If required, we can look at establishing more specific sub groups
·Create, in collaboration with residents and landlord, a Residents Charter.
Residents Charter
In collaboration with the Steering Group, we will draft and secure agreement on a Residents Charter. This will define what Flagship is offering residents and give context to the reasons why this project is going ahead. The idea is that this is a jointly agreed, signed document that will hold Flagship to their promises
Design proposals
We will assist the design team and Flagship with consultations, interpret design jargon and ensure accessibility of materials for engagement events
We can give residents information or training on the background to e.g. the planning process, current considerations around building safety, timescales etc.
Resident feedback
We will ensure there are strong mechanisms for residents’ views to be articulated and recorded
N.B. Our role does not include actively promoting opposition to the proposals. But also, it does not include actively supporting the plans on behalf of Flagship.