
I am an independent Housing Consultant with nearly 40 years of experience working in the social housing and resident involvement sectors. I have worked for and with over 60 local authorities, housing associations and other community-focussed organisations in this time. I have been a freelance consultant since 2005, specialising in resident engagement in social housing and community development. A lot of my projects have involved supporting tenants and home owners who are subject to large scale regeneration proposals. 

Before 2005, my career comprised employment at 3 housing associations, a local authority and a Housing Regeneration Company, all in London.

I am based in North London and, in addition to Thetford, I currently work on projects in Hertfordshire and Thurrock, Essex as well as within the Greater London area.

The core principle of my work is to enable local people to have more influence over the quality of their lives in the context of their housing and local neighbourhood. I seek to bring my experience and knowledge to facilitate understanding and good quality communication between landlords and residents. I strongly believe that safe, secure and decent homes have a positive impact on all sorts of other life experiences.    

When Iā€™m not working, I enjoy sport, although my days of active participation in team sports is, sadly, over. I swim, cycle, walk and occasionally run to keep fit. I also enjoy theatre, film and music.


I am supporting John as a Project Worker on the Abbey Estate project, leading on digital communications, social media and other admin tasks. When needed, I will be out and about with John on the estate gathering views and providing information from residents. 

I recently graduated in English Literature from Leeds University. I have done various community led work in the past, working at a community lunch club in Leeds and have worked as a Community Researcher, establishing community views on a large scale redevelopment in the Earls Court district of West London. I also teach English on a freelance basis and lead the comms department of a music start up.

My main interest is in the music industry; programming events and creating community-led spaces.